Looking for an answer about CLAIMYEXCESS cover? Find below the most frequently asked questions. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for below please don't hesitate to get in touch.
- What is CLAIMYEXCESS cover?
- CLAIMYEXCESS cover works alongside your lead/main Insurance related to your Business/ Home/ Vehicle(s) or on the Finance taken against the vehicle. When a claim happens and your lead/main insurance Company settles the claim after deducting an Excess ( which normally can go upto $1000), then at our discretion the CLAIMYEXCESS cover reimburses the deducted excess - up to the amount you selected for the same risk ( as stated in the Confirmation of Cover(CoC) issued by us).
Typically, general insurance policies with higher excesses will have lower premiums. When purchased strategically, CLAIMYEXCESS can help you reduce high premiums and burdensome excess payments without sacrificing the main cover.
- How do I make a Claim?
- First you make a claim on your lead/main insurance Company and pay your excess up front, and then you notify CLAIMYEXCESS with a documentary proof to get your excess reimbursed.
Go to www.CLAIMYEXCESS.com , complete the Reimbursement form with the proof of discharge showing the Excess deducted by your main/lead insurance Company to validate your claim with us. It is that simple.
- Can I claim excess on multiple policies which I have with main/primary Insurance Co.?
- No. CLAIMYEXCESS will only cover your excess for a specific risk, upto the amount chosen and as stated in the Confirmation of Cover (CoC) issued by Us to You.
- How is the claim amount arrived at?
- An Example: Based on a $1000 CLAIMYEXCESS selected a specific risk, say, your Business Insurance.
● You have a Business Insurance say with: ABC as your main/lead insurance Company with a $1000 excess.
● You make a claim (burglary/accident) which costs you $3,000.
● ABC issues a discharge for $2000 payment after adjusting $1000 excess.
● You claim back from Us $1000 You paid for Excess ( limited to the pre-agreed amount as selected by you online and stated in the Confirmation of Cover(CoC) issued by us).
- How long is the period of CLAIMYEXCESS cover?
- CLAIMYEXCESS cover commences 15 days from the day you bind the cover by paying online. It expires as soon as the Excess amount cover selected by you gets exhausted, or the expiry date as stated in the Confirmation of Cover issued by us, usually 12 months approx.
- Can I get a refund?
- Once the payment is made you assume the responsibility for binding the cover. You may contact us within 15 days for refund by incurring a reasonable charge for admin and processing. If you wish to exchange for a product of equal or higher value, no charges will apply.
- When does the cover commence?
- Cover is immediate. However you cannot claim within the first 15 days of the CLAIMYEXCESS cover start date.
- When and how do I receive my document?
- You receive the Confirmation of Cover (CoC) stating the related risk chosen and the pre-agreed excess amount selected by you by email as soon as you make your payment. If you cannot find in your email inbox try looking into the junk mail or contact us at customerservice@claimyexcess.com
- The emergence of CLAIMYEXCESS cover is the outcome of meetings with victims whose business got burgled / robbed. Victims and their horrified families are not only subjected to the physical abuse but also depressed on account of the Insurance Excess financial burden .
Each burglary makes the victim out of pocket with an Insurance Excess- usually $1000 onwards.
(A Natural disaster excess in earthquake prone areas e.g. Christchurch, Kaikaura, Wellington can be as high as $50,000.)
CLAIMYEXCESS cover has dedicatedly addressed on the excess portion of Insurance policy and provided a reasonable and acceptable parametric risk solution option.
- How secured your online transaction is?
- For your security, we use the most advanced technology for Internet security available today. When you access our site using industry standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, your information is protected using both server authentication and data encryption, ensuring that your data is safe and secure.
- When would CLAIMYEXCESS cover not respond?
- Please see the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) with exclusions explained on page 2. . However the main exclusions are:
● If the claim amount on your main/lead insurance policy does not exceed the excess.
● Claim within the first 15 days of the CLAIMYEXCESS Cover start date.
● CLAIMYEXCESS cover has been cancelled or expired.
- What is the claim limit?
- You can select the level of claim limit vs type of cover online from the dropout button.
- How many claims can I make in the policy year?
- For the risk you selected online there are no restrictions on how many times you can claim, until you have exhausted pre-agreed excess limit stated on your Confirmation of Cover (CoC).
- Once my CLAIMYEXCESS limit is exhausted how to renew?
- CLAIMYEXCESS cover expires from the date of the claim event when the excess limit is exhausted. You can go online to renew to buy a new CLAIMYEXCESS cover.